Day 3- Assignment Work

Navigation Commands (ls, cd, pwd)

  1. List all files in the current directory including file details (permissions, size, etc.).

  2. Change the current directory to /usr/local/bin and then navigate back to the home directory.

  3. Print the full absolute path of the current directory, including any symbolic links.

  4. List all files, including hidden files, in the /etc directory recursively.

  5. Navigate to the root directory (/) and list the files and directories there.

    File Management Commands (cp, mv, rm, mkdir, touch)

    1. Copy the file document.txt to the /tmp/backup/ directory. Ensure it preserves file attributes.

      2. Move the file file1.txt from the current directory to /home/username/Documents/ and rename it to file2.txt.

      3. Remove the file tempfile.txt from the /home/username/tmp/ directory without prompting for confirmation.

      4. Create a directory named new_folder under the /var/ directory, then create a file info.txt inside it.

      5. Create a new empty file called logfile.log in the current directory.

      Viewing Files Commands (cat, less, head, tail)

      1. Display the contents of the file notes.txt and redirect any error messages to error.log.

        Below is content for the file notes.txt:

        and below is the command to redirect any error messages to error.log

    2. View the contents of readme.txt in a paginated manner. Navigate through it using the spacebar.

3.Display the first 20 lines of the file largefile.txt.

4. Show the last 15 lines of the file server.log.

5. View the contents of the file server_status.txt in reverse order (starting from the last line).
First we will check the actual server_status.txt file that what we have in this file:

Now we can view the content of server_status.txt in reverse order with help of tac command.

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